Ride cycle and boost memory 🚴

Do you know that life is just like bicycle  wheel spinning around on the ups and downs of a muddy trails. 

        "Life is like a riding bicycles 

          To keep your balance you must 

                Keep moving"

  But actually cycling as an exercise is the best for our body that keep fit without any cost. 

According to fitness specialists, cycling gives tremendous benefits. 

And one thing I tell you that those who ride bicycles their stress and depression level is much lower than general people who don't as while cycling whole body muscles come into work due to which energy moves to each and every body part. 

Memory booster: Researches in America and Britain has revealed that those who does cycling on regular basis for 45 minutes are comparatively more healthy and fit. Heat problems, obesity, diabetes like diseases stay away from them. Their memory is also 15% more. 

Powerful heart: Cycling makes your heart strong. Reasearch held in university of caroline says that if one does cycling half an hour for 5 days a week this makes their immune cells very active. 

Increased concentration: Experts believe that cycling is the best exercise. Full body come into the functioning. (It means whole body workout wow cool no. Only cycling has done the workout ,no gyms then) It improves brain's cognition, funtioning, and physical structure. It slows down brain aging and help it become more efficient by building neurons ultimately increasing the concentration power along with stabilising the mental and physical functioning. 

Stress Management

Let's learn first that basically what is stress

Stress is the body's reaction to any changes that requires response or an an adjustment. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional changes. Stress is the normal part of life. We get stressed because of the following reasons:
* Death of the loved ones 
* unhappy from the job 
* increase in the financial obligations 
* chronic illness 
* emotional problems like depression and anxiety, anger, grief, low self esteem. 

It's okay to be tensed BUT for few minutes. 
If you are stressed or tensed shout, scream😬, cry as much as you can 😭,throw away the things in anger do whatever you want BUT just for 5 minutes .These 5 minutes are enough to be in stress and burst out your inside anger. After that just be calm, relax, and just close your eyes; take a deep breath and cool down. 
Else excess stress could backfire on your mental, physical and emotional health. You will bound yourself in thw clutches of sufferings like headache, knotted stomach,
Chest pain and rapid heartbeat, tensed muscles, restlessness, irritability, trouble sleeping or 😴 sleeping too much, unmotivated and unfocused etc etc. 


# Reading - No kind of stress is there that can't be vanished through reading. Reading books of self improvement, comics, magazines or other books of your interest .
This will inculcate the habit of reading giving dual benefits; one is food to your brain and other is relieving you from stress. "Book -power of subconcious mind. "
https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08124QT1L/ref=as_sl_pc_qf_br_asin_til?tag=varhita3112-21&linkCode=w00&linkId=z7b5638deb81af5805803e8dc94cfdez&creativeASIN=B08124QT1L "

# Organise and Declutter- Take out 15 minutes per day to straighten up one place like messy drawer or shelf. This will distract you from the stressful rays and make you feel relaxed and happy at the end of the day. 

# practice yoga and meditation - A few mintues yoga everyday provides the secret to feel fresh and energetic even after a long day. Yoga's incorporation of meditation and breathing techniques can help you improve mental well-being. Regular yoga practice creates mind clarity, 
Increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress, relaxes mind, sharoens the concentration.

# go for walk and do exercise - when you enter and breathe in the fresh air, feel the coolness of surroundings it will automatically be a mood booster. Go for just 10 minutes walk and exercise; stretching exercises, jumping jack and even cycling proves authentic way to be physically fit. 

# Have enough sleep and healthy food -Prioritise your sleep and have proper sleep of 7-8 hours. Never compromise with your sleep. Divide your day into slots of 8 hours. 8hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours social and personal activities. 
Do you know that foods like eggs, darl chocolate, yogurts, nuts, green tea,  vitamin -D items reduces stress. Another fact that deficiency of vitamin -E is linked to mood disorders. So have proper meals including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and most importantly stay hydrated throughout the day. 

There are many other ways to relieve stress. 
*Take a bath and sing in the 🚿 shower. 
*cooking, drawing and painting are really the stress busters. 
* Head massage 
*loud music and listen songs
* go and have your favourite dish because scientifically proven then having your yummy πŸ˜‹ snack lifts your mood. 
Let go crazy and have fun fun with your life
                     &  Just chillll

"Zindgi m kitne din jiye ye maaynee ni rkhtaa
Un dino m hum kitnaa jiyee vo maaynee rkhtaa haii. "


Stay fit and you will hit πŸ‘

   When mind controls man ,

                                              It's bondage 

But When man controls mind 
                                                  It's yoga........ 

The word yoga means itself mean to yoke; to connect. It is the process of the process of connecting the body, mind and breath that is the essence of yoga. 

If we look around our prevailing scenarios, we see people of all sizes pushing their bodies as hard as they can in gyms all for the sake of achieving the 'perfect' body. 

However true health comes from not only being physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. 

  Health is not mere absence of disease. It is the dynamic expression of life -in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic we are. 

We live in a fast paced world that make us feel completely drained out by the end of the day.  Isn't it? 
Yoga includes breathing techniques,exercise and meditation that cultivate the habit of being happy .

A few minutes yoga everyday provides a secret to feel fresh and energetic even after a long day as it has power to calm and strengthen the body . It provides the opportunity to leave the madness of world behind and attain the inner peace. 




lets convert isolation into solitude

 uff this quarantine !       This quarantine would have created the boredom in your life . lets convert this feeling of loneliness int...